Nona Daly
My first connection with the Long Beach Playhouse began in the mid-1970’s
as a patron. I always enjoyed the productions and the friendly staff
so was very pleased to be invited in 1989 to join the Box Office staff
where I volunteered for over 10 years. Shortly after I started
in the Box Office, I met Peggy Holmes who was managing the Prop Room. I
soon found myself working in the Prop Room every Monday evening, set Sundays
and dress rehearsal nights. I managed the Prop Room with Peggy for
about 12 years.
Working with Props led us to holding an annual
rummage sale for the Playhouse, the last one which brought
in just under $10,000. During that time I developed an usher team and we continue
to usher for each Mainstage Opening Night. I also ushered
for a period of time for the Studio Theatre and will always remember the
night I did so and learned later that evening that my favorite actor,
Morgan Freeman, had been downstairs watching the show on the Mainstage. One
of the jobs I enjoy most is greeting and signing in the actors who come
to the Playhouse to audition for Mainstage productions. I have also
been Chair of the Nominating Committee for the Board of Directors, have
scheduled ushers for the Studio Theatre, and have enjoyed helping Jo Black-Jacobs
with the New Works Festival and Caprice Spencer Rothe with the Third Sunday
Project since its inception.
Peggy Holmes
My involvement with the arts began in the early-1980’s when I began
volunteering for the Long Beach Arts Council. The Director at the time was Elaine
Herman. When Elaine left the Arts Council in 1987 to become Managing
Director of the Long Beach Playhouse, I also became active at the Playhouse.
Prop Shop was without a manager so I took over that position
and began working in the Prop Room on Monday evenings and for each dress
rehearsal and set Sunday. I worked in the Prop Room for approximately 15 years
and, while there, we found a use for extra props by developing an annual
rummage sale which became very successful and raised nearly $10,000 our
last year. During that time, I was on the Board of Directors
and also worked in the Box Office, was on the Nominating Committee for
the Board of Directors and was Captain of an usher team for the Mainstage.
presently handle auditions for the Studio Theatre and usher
for dress rehearsals for Mainstage and Studio Theater productions. I
also have assisted Jo Black-Jacobs with the New Works Festival and Caprice
Spencer Rothe with the Third Sunday Project since its inception.